
Place of Birth of Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden

Authors: Mikael Norman, Christian Gadsbøll, Lars J Björklund, Aijaz Farooqi, Stellan Håkansson, David Ley


This study assesses rates of extremely preterm births (22-26 weeks’ gestation) and their outcomes by hospital level of care among all births registered in Sweden …

Niklas Ortenlöf PhD halfway review

Halfway Review Seminar

February 9th, 2022, time: 10:00-12:00
Niklas Ortenlöf
Dep. Pediatrics, IKVL

Extracellular vesicles, choroid plexus and
brain development in the newborn

Main supervisor: Magnus Gram, Docent, Lund University
Co-supervisors: David Ley, Professor, Lund University
Thomas Laurell, Professor, Lunds …