Alma Maggey Borgarsdóttir defends degree project thesis
Alma Maggey Borgarsdóttir will defend her degree project thesis in Biomedical Laboratory Science entitled “Mapping of alpha-1-microglobulin during cardiopulmonary bypass circulation in neonates with congenital heart defects”. The defense will take place on Wednesday 31st of May, 2023 at the Faculty of Health and Society, Malmö University

Helena Karlsson will participate at the 53rd Scand-LAS Symposium, April 25-28 2023, in Uppsala, Sweden
The theme of the annual Scand-LAS symposium is “How to practically implement the 3Rs and culture of care”. In 2013 a new directive on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes came into force. The 3Rs – Replace, Reduce and Refine – are a continuous common thread in the

Niklas Ortenlöf will participate at the Brain Barrier Conference, March 28th – April 1st 2023
This spring Niklas Ortenlöf, PhD-student in the Neonatal Neuroprotection Group, will participate in the Brain Barriers event with his work: Systemic insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) activates the IGF-1 receptor and stimulates release of extracellular vesicles from the choroid plexus. The event is the eight Cold Spring Harbor conference and will

NN-group at EAPS 2022
During the 7 – 11th October 2022 Neonatal Neuroprotection Group participated in the 9th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Societies – EAPS 2022 in Barcelona. At the congress we presented three poster discussions: PD065 – INDUCED PLASMA HYPEROSMOLARITY CAUSES A SUBSTANTIAL INCREASE IN CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW IN THE

Research visit in Debrecen, Hungary
Suvi Vallius visited our long-term collaborators at the Faculty of Medicine in Debrecen, Hungary. In October a one-man delegation from Neonatal Neuroprotection group visited Debrecen, Hungary, and our long-term collaborator Professor József Balla and his research group at Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen. During this one-week visit, new techniques, on